Hello how's everyone? I'm doing well. It's been an alright 12 days since I started embarking on regular uploads of Polygonal Retribution here on this site. 31 songs have been reached and I'm already seeing how much of an undertaking this really was. Writing for each song is like little gift from me, Zander, to the open ocean of potential listeners! I was a little unsure what to expect but I'm coming to find a newfound joy presenting music again! I feel more alive as an artist that way and I hope to continue this active participation coming forward.
The last few tracks of Polygonal Retribution is where things get more interesting. Longer experimental tracks, more genre crossovers, more leitmotif usage, and a killer finale. I can't wait to write about a few of those ones since during this album's production - a lot of time was put into the last 20 tracks - higher complexity!
So yeah, a little update on how's it going with the posting. Keep commenting on them, seeing them there gives me motivation!
Once Polygonal Retribution is done it'd be awesome to see the unofficial ones! (e.g. Guardian X, Terminator, Trape Fighter)
Also anyone remember Duplicator?
Of course I know Duplicator