Minor news! Minor steps! Wonderful thing to happen so suddenly! Party Crasher became the first song I posted (and holding the victory medal with my partner Fristo for this one) to get 100 views (Is it plays? Idk!)! That's 1/10th of a 1000. I am so happy people (even if it's just 2?) are enjoying these little song installments for PR.
In other news expect a bunch of songs to be posted today. I'm trying to get PR fully in the scene by the end of January - so I can make room for other stuff for the coming month - like a particular square shaped... engineer... at the apex... mm! Got this weekend to push PR out. Type-writing fingers, ACTIVATE.
Hurray! Woo ho! Contribute to it by spreading the [C - C - - - - - | - - - - C A♭ - - ]. Tell your co-workers. Tell your mom. Tell your Ex! Party Crasher is the new sensation!